Archive for Februari, 2010



Berdasarkan kesepakatan pimpinan fakultas dan pimpinan Universitas Gadjah Mada tentang beasiswa bagi calon mahasiswa berprestasi akademik unggul yang secara ekonomi tidak mampu untuk tahun 2010 ditetapkan hal-hal sebagai berikut:

1. Kepada calon mahasiswa baru berprestasi akademik unggul yang secara ekonomi tidak mampu, UGM memberikan akses pendaftaran seluasseluasnya dan menyediakan:

a) Beasiswa BIDIK MISI dari pemerintah c.q. Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi untuk sebanyak 500 orang (beasiswa SPP, BOP dan SPMA serta biaya hidup),

b) Beasiswa Penelusuran Bibit Unggul Tidak Mampu (PBUTM) untuk sebanyak 300 orang (beasiswa SPP, BOP dan SPMA), dan

c) Beasiswa Sumbangan Peningkatan Mutu Akademik (SPMA) untuk sebanyak 1.000 orang (beasiswa SPMA).

2. Secara rerata per tahun UGM mengalokasikan dana beasiswa bagi 9.000 mahasiswa S-1.

3. Masyarakat dimohon mewaspadai segala bentuk penipuan yang mengatasnamakan panitia UM UGM. Semua urusan finansial berkaitan dengan pendaftaran dan tes ujian tulis ke UGM telah diumumkan secara resmi lewat leaflet dan/atau di website UGM (

4. UGM tetap melaksanakan penerimaan mahasiswa baru melalui Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN) pada tahun 2010 dan akan memanggil calon mahasiswa melalui SNMPTN sebanyak 700 sampai dengan 800 orang.

5. Warga masyarakat yang ingin mendaftar sebagai calon mahasiswa UGM wajib mempelajari dengan seksama informasi penerimaan mahasiswa baru UGM 2010, agar memahami kekhususan UGM dan tidak menjadi korban penipuan.

6. UGM mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh masyarakat yang telah mempercayai UGM sebagai tempat untuk mempersiapkan masa depan putera puterinya menjadi warga Indonesia terdidik dengan mutu yang unggul.

Demikian agar menjadi maklum bagi lulusan SMU/SMK/MAN yang berminat berkompetisi menjadi mahasiswa Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Yogyakarta, 26 Januari 2010


Prof.Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D

Lowongan Telkom | Pengumuman Penerimaan Pegawai Telkom 2010

Lowongan BUMN Telkom 2010Penerimaan Pegawai Telkom 2010
PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. (TELKOM)is the biggest telecommunication, information, media and
edutainment (TIME) provider in Indonesia. TELKOM provided its first services on 23 October 1856 when the first telegraph was send from Batavia (Jakarta) to Buitenzorg (Bogor). During this longtime service, TELKOM has been through many transformations.

Our last transformation called NEW TELKOM Indonesia is four aspects transformation, consists of business transformation, infrastructure transformation, system and operation model transformation and human resources transformation. It has been officially launched in concordance with TELKOM’s New Corporate Identity in TELKOM’s 153rd anniversary on 23 October 2009 with new tagline “The World in Your Hand”.
Until the end of 2008 TELKOM has had 86.6 million customer or 37% growth from 68.6 million in 2007, which are 8.6 fixed wirelines, 12.7 fixed wireless and 65.3 million cellular customer.

In line with NEW TELKOM spirit and new positioning “Life Confident”, TELKOM management alltogether with TELKOM’s employees devoted their professionalism to present the best products and services for customers and stakeholders.

During 2008 Telkom has received several awards and recognitions from both domestic and international institutions, for examples: ISO Certification 9001:2000 and ISO 9004:2000 for Enterprise Service Division from TUV Rheinland International Indonesia, Work Health and Safety System Award and Zero Accident 2008 from Indonesia Vice President, The Best Corporate Image category in 8th Most Admired Companies Award from Frontier Consulting Group, The best winners 2007 Annual Report Award form Minister of Finance, The best winners Public Relation Media Award 2008 from Public Relation Coordinator, CIO of the year 2008 in Hitachi Data System IT Inspiration Award and CEO and Company Most Admirer from Warta Ekonomi Magazine.

In 31 December 2008 52.47% of TELKOM’s stocks was owned by the Government and 47.53% was owned by public. Telkom’s stock traded in Jakarta Stock Exchange, New York Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange. The stocs also publicly offered without listing (POWL) in Tokyo Stock Exchange. In the end of December 2008 Telkom’s stock price was Rp.6.900 and Telkom market capitalization was Rp139,104 billion or 12.92% of the total Jakarta Stock Exchange capitalization.

With all these achievements and recognitions, market domination in every portfolio business, strong financial performance and future potential growth, TELKOM will become Indonesian best corporate model.

I. Background

1. Facing 21th century with its trade globalization, great efforts are needed to improve the quality of SDM (Human Resources) who are really prepared to face the tight global competition.
2. In accordance with National Education Department policy about education with development necessities relevance, consequently education process in university needs to pay careful attention to environment and employment world necessities, especially at business and/or industry fields.
3. The future employment will selectively capture employee candidates who are highly professional on his/her field, because global competition will open wider opportunity for foreign employees to enter/dominate employment in Indonesia. Hence, one of the main challenges for university graduates is to prepare the best of themselves to enter the employment world.
4. One of the efforts to improve SDM specially in higher education is through Co-op program which is an important medium for self-development and business skill improvement as well as for exercising independence for the university graduates.

II. CO-OP Program: Cooperative Academic Education

Co-op Program is an education form which combines soft and hard-skill improvement. It is an academic learning process plus working experience that has carefully planned and guided, with some amount of incentive given to the student. This program allows university students to get practical skills by facing the real implementation of jobs outside the campus. Through Co-op program, the independent, professional, and ready candidates are available to enter the job world. Co-op is generally carried out for 3-6 months, with possible extension but not more than 12 months.

III. Objectives

o Accelerate the adaptation period for university graduates in entering job world
o Improving quality of S1 (bachelor) degree graduates

IV. Requirements

1. Eligible for undergraduate students(S1) and graduate students (S2) from all majors, through respective selection.
2. Having permission from the head of university and parents
3. Being at least in 6th semester, not graduate yet
4. Having working motivation and social skill to mingle within an organisation/workplace
5. Having strong motivation, diligence, and mentality
6. Obedient to the rules pertinent to his/her workplace

Apprentice Program in PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk.

a. Telkom apprentice participants come from:

o Co-op candidates who have passed the selection
o University students or students (bachelor degree, three-year diploma, and two-year diploma program) from education institutions
o University graduates (fresh graduate)

b. Apprentice participant criteria:

o Maximum age of 24 years old
o Co-op participant candidates who have passed the selection, in accordance with the memorandum of cooperation with enterprise, are obliged to conduct apprenticeship in the enterprise
o For the university student or student from education institution, he/she must have completed the final project and been waiting for graduation ceremony
o For university graduates, he/she must be a fresh graduate and have never served in any apprenticeship in other institution before
o For university students, he/she must be at least in the 7th semester
o Healthy and having good behavior
o Good personality (soft skills), i.e. having motivation, social skill, and/or diligence and tough mentality

c. Acceptance apprentice participants

o Co-op program participants agree with cooperation agreement with enterprise have to apprentice in the enterprise
o Apprentice participants acceptance who come from education institutions (students of degree, diploma, two-year diploma program) bring out with coordination with the local school/university after passing the operator necessity evaluation that can be fulfill through apprentice program.

The apprenticeship application letter should be forwarded to:

VP Industrial Relation
TELKOM Building 5th Floor
Jl. Japati No.1 Bandung 40133

Lowongan Kerja Teknik Februari 2010 MT PT Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk

Lowongan Kerja Teknik Februari 2010 MT
PT Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk, have great job vacancy in engineering jobs
for professional person and get jobs in engineering for your career.

Management Trainee
Located : Jakarta and Cikampek Factory

Lowongan Kerja :
Maintenance Electric – Jakarta (MTME – J)
Min Bachelor degree S1 majoring in Electrical Engineering
Maintenance Mechanic – Jakarta (MTMM – J)
Possess S1 degree majoring in Mechanical Engineering
Purchase – Jakarta (MTPR – J)
Min S1 degree majoring in Mechanic Engineering and Civil Engineering
and have min 2 years exp Technical Engineering and Purchasing
Production – Jakarta (MTPD – J)
Hold min S1 degree majoring in Chemical, Oil and Gas and Industrial
Production – Cikampek (MTPD – C)
Have background min S1 degree majoring in Mechanical, Electrical and
Industrial Engineering.

Location : Jakarta and Cikampek Factory

Lowongan Kerja :
Production (SPD – J)
Min Diploma degree D3 majoring in Mechanical Engineering or
Chemical Enginering
Maintenance Mechanic (SMM – J)
Hold min D3 degree majoring in Mechanical Engineering
Maintenance Electrica (SME – J)
Possess min Diploma degree D3 majoring in Electrical Engineering
Production (SPD – C)
Holder min D3 degree majoring in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical

Age Required :
For Management Trainee : max age is 30 y.o
For Staff : have age not more than 27 y.o.

General Qriteria :
This position for male only. Have min GPA is 2.75 from well university.
Familiar with computer and fluency in English both oral and written.

Explain your application letter, copy of transcript recent photo and note
the position code on top left of the envelope lfor apply this job vacancy to :
HRPG PT Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk
Jl Ancol IX / 5 Ancol Barat
Jakarta Utara 14430

CV Database = Send CV Here

Nasihat Kepada Para Gadis Remaja… Sebuah k…

Nasihat Kepada Para Gadis Remaja…

Sebuah kisah yang ku ambil dari milis seorang teman :

Dengan terbata-bata dan diiringi linangan air mata penyesalan seorang remaja putri bertutur,

“Peristiwa ini bermula hanya dari pembicaraan melalui telepon antara diriku dengan seorang pria, lalu berlanjut membuahkan kisah cinta di antara kami. Ia merayu bahwa dirinya sangat mencintaiku dan ingin segera meminangku. Dia berharap dapat bertemu muka denganku, namun aku sungguh merasa keberatan, bahkan aku mengancam ingin menjauhi dirinya, kemudian menyudahi hubungan ini. Akan tetapi aku tak kuasa melakukan itu. Maka aku putuskan dengan mengirimkan fotoku dalam sebuah surat cinta yang semerbak dengan wangi aroma bunga mawar.

Gayung bersambut suratku pun dibalas olehnya, dan semenjak itu kami sering saling kirim surat. Suatu ketika melalui surat, ia mengajakku untuk keluar pergi berduaan, aku menolak dengan keras ajakan itu. Tetapi ia balik mengancam akan membeberkan semua tentang diriku, foto-fotoku, surat cintaku, dan obrolanku dengannya selama ini melalui telepon, yang ternyata ia selalu merekamnya. Aku benar-benar dibuat tak berdaya oleh ancamannya.

Akhirnya aku pun pergi keluar bersamanya dan berharap dapat pulang kembali ke rumah dengan secepatnya. Memang aku pun akhirnya pulang, namun sudah bukan sebagai diriku yang dulu lagi, aku telah berubah. Aku kembali ke rumah dengan membawa aib yang berkepanjangan, dan suatu ketika kutanyakan kepadanya, “Kapan kita akan menikah?” Apakah tidak secepatnya? Namun ternyata jawaban yang ia berikan sungguh menyakitkan, dengan nada menghina dan merendahkanku ia berkata, “Aku tak mau menikah dengan wanita rendahan sepertimu!”

Wahai saudariku tercinta!

kini engkau tahu bagaimana akhir dari hubungan kami yang jelas-jelas terlarang dalam agama ini. Oleh karena itu waspada dan berhati-hatilah jangan sampai engkau terjerumus dalam hubungan semacam itu. Jauhilah teman yang buruk perangai, yang suatu saat bisa saja ia menjerumuskanmu lalu menyeretmu ke dalam pergaulan yang rendah dan terlarang. Ia hiasi itu semua sehingga seakan-akan menarik dan merupakan hal biasa yang tidak akan berakibat apa-apa, tak akan ada aib dan lain sebagainya.

Jangan percaya omongannya, sekali lagi jangan gampang percaya!!! Itu semua tak lain adalah tipu daya yang dilancarkan oleh syetan dan teman-temannya. Dan jika engkau tak mau berhati-hati maka sungguh hubungan haram itu akan berakibat sebagaimana yang telah kusebutkan di atas atau bahkan lebih parah dan menyakitkan lagi.

Berhati-hatilah jangan sampai engkau terpedaya dengan bujuk rayu para laki-laki pendosa itu yang kesukaannya hanya mempermainkan kehormatan orang lain. Mereka adalah pembohong, pendusta dan pengkhianat, walau salah satu dari mulut mereka terkadang menyampaikan kejujuran dan keikhlasan. Apa yang diinginkan mereka adalah sama, dan semua orang yang berakal mengetahui itu, seakan tiada yang tersembunyi. Berapa kali kita mendengarkan, demikian juga selain kita tentang Baca lebih lanjut

HSE Officer – PT Indoturbine

lowongan jobs PT Indoturbine
PT Indoturbine – PT. Indoturbine is the sole distributor of Solar Turbines® in Indonesia. Since the establishment in 1973, PT Indoturbine and Solar Turbines has delivered more than 370 gas turbines packages to various companies in Indonesia. We are a company running business in providing Equipments and services for Industrial, BUMN and Oil  & Gas companies, immediately seeking for a  professional and committed individual to fill the  following positions :


  • Female,  23-27 years old
  • S1 degree in Occupational Safety & Health
  • Computer  Literate
  • Good command in written and spoken English language skills
  • Score  highly on initiative
  • Able  to work with a minimum supervision
  • Able  to priorities workloads and meet deadlines

Please send your CV and recent photograph to:

Beasiswa S1 Singapore Nanyang Technological University

Kembali Nanyang Technological University Singapore, menyediakan beasiswa S1 untuk pelajar yang ingin melanjutkan pendidikan di Singapore. Untuk tahun 2010 ini, berikut persyaratan Nanyang scholarship yang harus dipenuhi. Semoga bermanfaat.

In recognition of academic excellence and leadership potential, NTU offers a variety of scholarships to new as well as current students pursuing their full-time undergraduate studies in NTU. Scholarships are generally awarded to students based on academic merit and good co-curricular records.

Nanyang Scholarship

The Nanyang Scholarships, Nanyang Technological University (NTU)’s foremost undergraduate scholarships are awarded to the outstanding freshmen pursuing undergraduate programmes. Nanyang Scholarship recognizes students who excel academically, demonstrate strong leadership potential, and possess outstanding CCA track records.


  • Open to all nationalities.
  • Successful awardees should read a full-time undergraduate degree programme leading to a first degree, with the exception of Biomedical Sciences & Chinese Medicine and the NTU-Georgia Tech Integrated Programmes where it will cover only the first three years of study in NTU.
  • Possess outstanding Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘A’ level, Local Polytechnic Diploma, NUS High School Diploma, IB Diploma or Year 12 equivalent qualifications.
  • Excellent Co-Curricular Activities records.
  • Strong leadership qualities and potential.

benefits of award
Nanyang Scholarship covers up to the normal programme duration on condition that the scholar maintains a record of good academic performance and conduct satisfactory to the University.

  • Subsidised tuition fees will be fully covered.
  • Living allowance of S$6,000 per academic year.
  • Book allowance of S$500 per academic year.
  • Computer allowance of S$1,500 (one-off).
  • Settling-in allowance of S$250 (one-off).
  • Unique leadership training programme.
  • Priority for Global Immersion Programme.
  • No bond is attached to the Nanyang Scholarship apart from the three-year bond applicable to all Singapore PRs and international students under the MOE Tuition Grant Scheme.

Terms & Conditions

  • Scholar may not, without the approval of the University, hold concurrently any other scholarships, bursaries or university loans (except for one-time award or book prize).
  • Nanyang Scholar is required to maintain a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.5 out of 5.0. Academic performance will be reviewed every semester.
  • Nanyang Scholar is required to stay for at least one year in a hall of residence during your course of study and participate in university campus life.
  • Nanyang Scholar is to undertake the role of Student Ambassador, or any other similar role, to represent the University as and when called upon.
  • The Scholarship may be withdrawn at any time if, in the opinion of the University, the scholar’s progress or behaviour is deemed unsatisfactory.
  • If the scholar decides to terminate the scholarship prematurely, the University reserves the right to impose a repayment on a case-by-case basis.
  • Nanyang Scholar is required to attend all the Nanyang Scholars Programmes, i.e., Orientation, Award Ceremony and Leadership Training Programme, conducted by Office of Admissions and Financial Aid.

Application Procedures

The same application period for admissions applies. Scholarships are awarded based on competition amongst shortlisted candidates.

Applicants are required to submit your application for admission before submitting your application for scholarship.

Applicants with the following qualifications:

1. Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘A’ level
2. Local Polytechnic Diploma
3. NUS High School Diploma
4. IB Diploma

The scholarship application form can be found at the link ‘Application for Scholarship’ at the end of your online application for admission. You are required to login with the application number assigned to you.
Applicants are required to submit a recent passport-size photo (digital image) online after completing your application form.
Applicants are also required to submit a referee’s appraisal online.
If you have reserved an undergraduate degree programme in NTU, you can login here to access the scholarship application form.

Applicants with Year 12 equivalent results:

Click here to apply for the scholarship with your assigned application number.
Applicants are required to submit a recent passport-size photo (digital image) online after completing your application form.

We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified for an interview.

Undergraduate Programmes

NTU offers many programmes to suit your individual requirements. Here is the list organised by area of interest as well as by type of programme. In addition to this list, NTU also provides a comprehensive list of minor programmes that you can take along with your major programmes to broaden your study options.

Find out how you can enhance your value and opportunity to build a career and forging many long-lasting business and personal contacts with our Global Immersion Programme while in NTU.

By area of interest

  1. Accountancy & Business
  2. Art, Design & Media
  3. Communication Studies
  4. Education
  5. Engineering
  6. Humanities
  7. Science
  8. Sport Science

By type

  1. Double Degree programmes
  2. Integrated programmes
  3. Part-time programmes
  4. Special programme

Mailing Address
Office of Admissions and Financial Aid
Nanyang Technological University
Student Services Centre, Level 2
42 Nanyang Avenue
Singapore 639815



Temen2 ini ada ebook safety dengan judul ” THE A-Z OF HEALTH AND SAFETY ” Pengarangnya Jeremey Stranks..Saya mendapatkannya dari milis K3LH
Semoga bermanfaat…

Beberapa fakta menarik tentang bintang kamu:

Binatang yang diasosiasikan ke bintang kamu adalah banteng. Dalam bangsa mesir, Hourus adalah banteng penguasa surga, dan banteng putih di korbankan di Babylonia di setiap tahun baru untuk menghormati Ramman, dewa langit.

Warna pilihan Taurus adalah PINK

Batu bintang kamu adalah Emerald.
Emeralds berasal dari Mesir sejak tahun 330 S.M., dan bukti secara tidak langsung menunjukan bangsa Mesir menambang emerald sejak 1300 S.M. Nama emerald datang dari bahasa yunani berarti “batu hijau”. Biasanya digunakan untuk menyembuhkan penyakit dan epilepsi, disentri dan lepra pada jama St. Yohanes.


Seperti layaknya bintang-bintang yang lain, kita semua memiliki karakter yang unik. Ketika karakter ini muncul, tanpa disadari, biasanya dibarengi dengan masalah. Namun, dengan astrologi kita dapat mempelajari masalah yang mungkin muncul dan mencari solusi yang sesuai berdasarkan karakteristik bintang kita. Sebagai seorang Taurean kamu mungkin sering menemukan hal-hal dibawah ini. Coba gunakan solusi yang ditawarkan, biasanya kamu akan terkejut dengan hasil yang ada.

PROBLEM: Memiliki perasaan digunakan atau dimanipulasi orang lain.
SOLUTION: Sadari bahwa daya tarik kamu juga mengandung pengaruh negatif seperti halnya positif. Ketima memilih kawan, jangan biarkan mereka yang memilih kamu.

PROBLEM: Kamu merasa sulit berinteraksi dengan dunia sekitar kamu. Kamu tidak peduli berapa banyak uang yang kamu keluarkan untuk mengatasi masalah fisik.
SOLUTION: Kamu mulai mencari harmoni dalam diri yang mencoba melepaskan sisi fisik dengan spiritual. Kamu harus biarkan ini berkembang tanpa perlu berkorban terlalu banyak dari sisi uang.

PROBLEM: Ketakutan atau kehilangan yang tidak dapat dijelaskan kata-kata, kecemburuan dan paranoid.
SOLUTION: Kamu memiliki kemampuan dalam diri untuk tidak hanya menarik kepercayaan, namun juga kepandaian untuk melihat apa yang sebenarnya terjadi disekitar kamu. Kamu harus mencoba bangun kembali kepercayaan dalam diri kamu.

PROBLEM: Merasa tertekan dalam hidup. Tidak puas. Orang disekitar kamu tidak ramah. Kamu merasa hidup tidak berarti.
SOLUTION: Kunjungi dan sadari nilai nilai spiritual dalam hidup. Ambil alih dalam hidup dengan menyadari hidup kamu bukan sesuatu yang paling penting, namun semangat dibelakangnya.

Masalah kesehatan yang mungkin dijumpai

Taurus memerintah tenggorokan dan leher dan harus berhati-hati terhadap infeksi tenggorokan, masalah pernafasan seperti asma. Mereka dikatakan beresiko memiliki penyakin hati dan ginjal, sampai rematik. Karena tipe tubuh yang dimiliki cenderung mengarah ke kemalasan, Taurean dapat menjadi sangat gemuk.

Kamu suka sesuatu yang extremes. Secara fisik, emosional dan mental; namun jika terlalu extrim, maka kamu bisa mulai mengharapkan kesunyian yang extrem.

Di hibur
Hal-hal yang alami
Nyaman dan kenikmatan

Didorong terlalu kuat
Barang ‘buatan manusia’
Terlalu indoors